Simplify and Streamline Your Music Lesson Planning. FOR GOOD.

Create YOUR curriculum planning roadmap, without the crazy overwhelm, guess work of what comes next, and hours spent lesson planning.

If you’re an elementary, early childhood, or general music teacher looking to streamline & simplify your planning process, then you probably already know that you need to create a curriculum map.

So let’s skip the lecture.

I know you don’t need to hear about #allthethings that have been preached to you since your teacher training days.

After all, you probably already KNOW that having an awesomely sequenced music curriculum is the secret sauce that will save you time, impact more kiddos, and make some serious magic happen in the music room. 

And I know you know that having a system would just make your music teacher life all around so much easier.

Here’s what you might not know…

Even if you feel like you’re totally on it when it comes to teaching and planning (get it, girl!), creating a complete planning system can help you finally…

Beat the music teacher overwhelm once and for all.

You’ve got all these amazing resources on your bookshelf, but once you have a process for lesson planning, you spend less time in front of the open computer. That gives you more time to spend with family, and finally getting a little bit of that much needed R&R.

Get a clear picture of what to teach when, and how.

Having a system for what you teach in a lesson, in a grade level, and throughout your kiddos’ entire time in the music classroom (like, Kindergarten through 5th Grade and beyond) makes lesson planning legit plug + play week to week.

Simplify the way you teach musical concepts.

You can STOP spending the majority of your lessons at the whiteboard, minimize your teacher talk, and put all the control and music making back in the hands of your students.

Create experiences that give your kids choices.

Giving your kids more opportunities to be active music makers gets them excited and energized about coming into the music classroom. It’s not about what you can perform for them, it’s about facilitating experiences that get them engaged in the learning process as independent musicians.

Completely Transform your teaching process.

Let’s be honest, we didn’t become music teachers to spend hours on the computer reinventing the wheel every time we sit down to plan. Creating a process and framework for teaching anything and everything gives you the time and creativity to finally focus on doing what you love: making music with kids.

Okay, so I know you have the motivation to completely nail down your planning process.

… but having a clear path for actually doing it?

That’s a completely different story.

Perfect My Planning? Awesome.

But where do I even start...

I know how it goes. At the beginning of the school year, month, or week, you’ve made the resolution to finally get your planning act together. 

You’ve got the plan book open, organized your resources, busted open a new pack of flair pens and highlighters, created yearly plans, and maybe even re-designed your lesson template for the year. 

If you’re super hardcore, you’ve probably even taken a few workshops and professional development courses, thinking THIS is going to be the key, the magic pill that will FINALLY make it all stick. 

But even with the best intentions, most music teachers end up giving into the overwhelm, filling time instead of planning with intention, because literally #allthethings pile up once the school year gets rocking and rolling. 

Here’s why most music teachers end up abandoning ship:

Without a super clear, step by step curriculum map, most well-intentioned music teachers get completely overwhelmed and lost. 

They get stuck on the hamster wheel of “what does this class already know?” and “what should I do in first grade today?” and generally lack clarity over exactly what to teach next, and how. 

Here’s why this is damaging beyond repair…

As a craaazy busy music teacher with a million and one lessons to prep, data to track, and performances to plan, (not to mention a family and life outside of j-o-b), you can’t afford to spend every spare moment planning, OR filling in this or that activity last minute. 

And the moment that you get off course with your curriculum, it’s really, really hard to recover. 

Therefore, implementing a sequencing system is something that NEEDS to happen ASAP. 

And lucky for you, there’s a way to make it happen right now. 

Even if you’re late to the planning party, there’s still a chance for you to jump off the hot mess express, dust yourself off, and perfect your planning process

That is, if you get focused, committed, and take action now.

THE 3 REASONS you haven't perfected your planning process.

(And what you can do about it)

Y’all the overwhelm is real. But, here’s the deal: creating a curricular & lesson planning sequence isn’t hard or complicated. There’s just a LOT of moving pieces and sticking points along the way. 

What concept do I start with first? How do I find songs & activities? How do I structure my lessons? 

These are just some of the MANY questions you’ll have to answer along the way. 

Because of this, most music teachers approach their curriculum planning as another list to make, or something that can happen as you go. But the thing is, you can’t treat your planning like a spur of the moment task. It’s your road map for anything and everything you do in the music classroom, and once you have a formula developed, there’s no question of what should happen next. 

I know. There are a million things to do. You have stuff going on and coming at you from all directions, whether it’s inside of the cinder block walls of the school, or getting your ish together at home. And there’s always something else that takes precedent.

I have lesson plans due TOMORROW. Grades need to be put in the computer by Friday. Oh, and my own kiddo needs to go to soccer, and dance, and piano, oh my!

The obligations and commitments you have are many… because you care.

And since you care so much, you probably know that sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. The slow down? Creating a system that works. The speeding up? Making that your strategy for something you have to do on a regular basis… like planning.

That’s why it’s essential to set aside a chunk of time to establish a process, making life easier breezier from here on out.

Not one of us became a music teacher so we could follow steps in a book day in and day out. We’re teacher musicians, meaning that the creative part of our brain needs to be exercised on a regular basis.

I love having the freedom to make music the way I see fit.  I want to be able to follow my kids’ lead. I need room to breathe and feel creative and musical each day.

These are all thoughts that you’ve probably had at one time or another–because we’re creative musicians!

Some music teachers assume that following a process, or a sequence, or a structure, means that all freedom and expression flies out the window, but that’s the opposite of the truth. It’s within the structure that we can begin to adapt and change and make decisions about what’s best for our kids.

By setting up and following parameters for how to sequence concepts, we can then determine the best ways to actively make music. The possibilities are endless!


Here’s the TRUTH.

Teaching music is HARD. You have a bunch of kids to teach, and not a lot of free time to figure out how. The trainings at your campus aren’t helping you teach music in a meaningful way, and those one hour conference sessions and one day trainings can’t do the whole job. 


I’m here to offer you a system.

It’s the stuff you won’t get at the district office, or at your Saturday workshops. And I truly believe it’s the solution.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help music teachers realize they can have structure, they can have a formula, and they can still have their creativity and musicianship as a prominent piece of the puzzle.

The knowing exactly what to teach, and the freedom to switch up how.

The confidence to design creative experiences that meet your kids where they are, instead of trying to make a prescribed script fit.

The vision of the big picture, so that you can take a breath and do what you love.

By finding the purpose, following the sequence, and choosing joy.


I’ve taken everything I’ve discovered from teaching in the music classroom and working with music teachers and created a comprehensive, step-by-step formula that teaches you the framework you need to develop the music curriculum of your dreams.


You’ll learn the what, when, and why of everything you do, but more importantly, you’ll develop your own living and breathing music curriculum formula, a sequence that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.
The end result: A plan for how you teach anything and everything in your classroom, streamlining your planning and saving you from hours of paralyzing overwhelm.

The Sequencing Solution


Gives you the complete formula for teaching any concept. From beginning to end, from gathering resources to assessment and performances. No gaps, no skipped steps, just an ideal active music making sequence. 

Allows time for taking action. You won’t be slammed with a bunch of theory and then left to sift through it later. We take the time each and every module to process and apply what you’ve learned. 

Focuses on YOUR teaching philosophy. This system doesn’t dictate how you make music with kids, as long as you are doing music rather than teaching about music. As a matter of fact, we chat all about the different ways you could POSSIBLY make music with kids.

Here's how it breaks down...

This 8 week program takes you through 5 step-by-step modules to make music teacher planning more simple, streamlined, and intentional. Each module incorporates a week for implementation so you can take action right away!

Module one

Unlock Your Music Teacher Secret Sauce

Figure out what makes good teaching good teaching. (HINT: It’s what you hear me say, alllll the time.) We’re going to deep dive into what purposeful, sequential, and joyful reeeeeeally means, so you can apply it to your own teaching practice.

Define your teaching style and start brainstorming how you feel most musical and how you can bring that to your music classroom.

Learn the difference between micro & macro sequencing, why they are important, and how they work together as the perfect pair.

Explore different ways of active music making so you can fill your tool box with different ways for your students to experience music beyond singing and clapping.

Module TWO

Prepare to Explore

Completely streamline your process for choosing what to include in your lessons and conquer the planning overwhelm. Then, set your kids up to be active music makers from the get go, and they’ll be busting down the doors to get to music class.

Find the absolute best resources to use in your music classroom, whether you gather them from other sources or design your own.

Define what makes a quality song or activity, and figure out which ones work best in each phase of the process for your kids.

Ignite the learning process by designing exciting and engaging exploration lessons for your music classroom.

Module Three

Activate, Analyze, & Apply

Discover the knitty gritty for facilitating music literacy & fluency. Apply the efficient process for teaching musical concepts, so you can quickly and effectively share the theory, then immediately get back to actively making music.

Learn how to create discovery moments that put you at the whiteboard talking music literacy for a hot minute and then immediately hands control back to the kiddos.

Combine musical exploration and literacy to create meaningful musical experiences that get your kids improvising & composing.

Create seamless transitions from one step of the learning process to the next, so your kids stay engaged and actively making music.

Module FOUR

Share, Assess, & REflect

Create opportunities for your kids to share their music making in a way that follows and enhances the learning process. Simplify your assessment strategies so you don’t have to micromanage each activity or keep up with mountains of checklists or rubrics.

Design meaningful and sequential performance experiences for your music classroom, where you don’t have to STOP everything to teach a program.

Create assessment opportunities that involve your students. Learn why observational data is essential, and how formative and summative assessments work best together.

Take time for meaningful reflection, for your students and for you, throughout the entire learning process, instead of just the end.

Module FIVE

Putting it all together

This is where you zoom out and tie a pretty bow around everything that we’ve talked about inside of the course. It’s all about creating your curriculum roadmap that works for you and your students in your teaching situation… whatever that might look like today or tomorrow.

Create a system for organizing your concepts, songs, and lessons so that everything just flows when It’s time to plan.

Have a plan for talking with your administration and school community about how and why you teach the way that you do, sharing, educating, and advocating for your classroom.

Process ways to adapt and innovate for any teaching situation you might find yourself in, whether it’s distance learning, teaching on a cart, or any other type of transition.

Implementation Weeks

Making it your own

These three weeks embedded throughout the program are essential to process, experiment, and apply the information you’ve learned throughout the course. We’ll complete specific, detailed action items to move the needle on truly creating your perfect curriculum roadmap.

Truly make the planning process your own by walking through each process step-by-step.

Follow the guides and done-for-you plans to gather inspiration for how you’ll apply everything to your students and your specific teaching situation.

Ask questions and share in the community when you feel stuck, so we can workshop ways to make you feel confident and excited about lesson planning.

All 5 Modules Will Be Released Over the Course of 8 Weeks

Included inside of the course are 3 specific weeks for implementing what you’ve learned. You’ll get exclusive content to apply each and every thing we’ve talked about to your own teaching situation.

Upon registration you get IMMEDIATE access to Module One & the exclusive community! As you finish each module, you receive access to the next!

Week 1

Module One

Week 2

Module TWO

Week 3


Week 4

Module THREE

Week 5


Week 6

Module FOUR

Week 7

Module Five

Week 8


This course was a game changer for me.

My teaching has completely changed for the better. I feel like I was a good teacher before, but I struggled to find ways to make connections with my students. They are absolutely loving the flow of class and student engagement has increased drastically.

Jennifer Carson Timidaiski

Elementary Music Specialist

...and let's talk about bonuses!!

As a lifetime member of The Sequencing Solution, you also get access to these EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM BONUSES

weekly planning course

Purposeful Planning

a $147 value

Discover the 3 Part System to Power Up Your Weekly Music Lesson Plans. This mini-course has everything you need to take the information from The Sequencing Solution and break it into individual lessons.

A three part system that helps you plan, play, and progress with your students through every facet of music fluency and literacy.

Weekly lesson examples with song notation and resources so you can plug and play and plan future lessons off of this proven approach.

BONUS resources – printable learning targets & interactive presentations so you can have the materials at your fingertips, ready to be a planning powerhouse TODAY.

The Quick Start Guide to

Active Music Making

a $37 value

If you’re looking for knowledge and inspiration to sing, say, dance, and play, this guide has everything that you need to get started with all different modes of active music making in the elementary music classroom.

5 lessons with sequencing, notation, and song material so that you can insert meaningful ways of using speech, movement, instruments, singing, and body percussion in your music room today.

How-to tips and tricks to make sure you feel confident and excited about creating musical experiences with different modes of music making to your students.

Reflection questions to help you identify what will make you the best music teacher for your teacher-musician self and for your students.

But Wait. There's More.


A special place just for members to share ideas, ask questions, and celebrate winning moments.

Done for you lessons + Repertoire Catalog

Unit plans & lessons that are kid-tested, Anne approved. These complete songs, games, and activities will help you to put everything you've learned into action.

Lifetime Access

You get access to all the program materials for forever. That means any updates, upgrades, additions, future group calls, community benefits, EVERYTHING is yours for the life of this course (...which will be a while).

What makes this program different than all the other training courses out there?

The Sequencing Solution really helped me streamline how to build a comprehensive music curriculum, not just a string of ‘really fun activities.’

Amy Steinmann

Elementary Music Specialist

Hey y’all, I’m Anne.

…and I was right where you are.

I used to be completely stuck. I felt like I had so much good stuff, and no where to put it. Nothing belonged in an order, nothing had a purpose, and I didn’t give my kids the chance to be creative.

But over time, through trainings, and treating my classroom as my laboratory, I’ve discovered the streamlined, flexible roadmap for music making with tiny people. One that provides structure, but with room to breathe and grow.

Good music teaching is sequential, active, and exciting for both teachers and students. Inside The Sequencing Solution, I share my formula for purposeful, successive lessons that will make your music classroom come alive as a creative space, unfolding organically from experience to experience


I know The Sequencing Solution will give you all of the tools that you need to be an intention teacher, excited each and every day to go into your classroom and make music with kids.

This is the system I’ve been using to teach kids for over a decade, and the way that I share with teacher-educators and adult musicians around the country. Our community members have implemented the steps and systems inside this course and have seen immediate changes in their mindset and their kids’ engagement.

By the end of Week 4, you will have been in the course for a full 30 days. This means you’ll have had the opportunity to learn the steps and implement your ideas for the first two modules of the course–that’s HALF of the program!

By that point, if you don’t feel like your classroom and teaching is on the road to being completely transformed (and you’ve tried some things in your classroom to take action), simply reach out, show your work until that point in time, and get a complete refund.

BUT, I’m pretty confident you’ll see immediate and continuous growth and change in your classroom. The small investment you put in up front will pay off every day, week, month, and YEAR that you walk into your music classroom.

I have gained so much insight to how I organize my classroom, my planning, and my teaching.

If someone is in a slump, routine, feels like their students are not engaged, then I would highly recommend The Sequencing Solution. This program makes so much sense. I had so many “Aha!” moments.

Kristin Wendell

Elementary Music Specialist

Here’s what you get when you enroll…

The Plug + Play Formula for Intentional Teacher Musicians

(a $1497 value)

5 Instructional Modules + 3 Implementation Weeks

Showing you literally everything you need to turn your music classroom into the magical place you want it to be. We’ll alternate the theory with practice so you can take it all in and then immediately implement all of your new ideas.

A Complete, Step-by-Step Formula

Everything you need to brainstorm and take action for any and every concept you have to teach, from beginning to end. This proven strategy has been simplified and streamlined to incorporate your unique teaching style and enhance your students’ independent musicianship

Stress Free Planning

Ideas for how to extend student learning into a performance space that is more about sharing music making instead of something “extra.”


Simplified Strategies for Assessment

Encourage your students to be an active participant in their own learning. Discover ways to promote self-assessment and reflection for both individuals and groups.


When you join, you’ll get immediate access to the exclusive community & Module One, so you can jump right inside The Sequencing Solution.

From there, you’ll be given access to one module per week + implementation weeks every other week, so you have enough time to digest information and take action before we move on to the next module–making sure we’re keeping it purposeful & sequential!!

This is to help get rid of the music teacher overwhelm that makes you want to implement #allthethings all at once. By going through each step with intention, you’ll have time to check in with the community, try things out, and revise your process to become your best music teacher self.

Don't forget about these exclusive bonuses

Bonus #1: Purposeful Planning Course

(a $147 Value)

Bonus #2: Active Music Making Quick Start Guide

(a $37 Value)

Bonus #3: Members Only Community

(Most memberships are $25/month, or $300/year, at least!)

Bonus #4: Done-for-You Lessons, Repertoire, & Unit Plans

(Comprehensive from beginning to end.)

PLUS: Lifetime Access to All Updates, Upgrades, & Additions

(Because teaching is time bound, situational, and always changing.)

​When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of $2518.

At least. And that’s not to mention that you can lather, rinse, and repeat the strategies that you’ll learn inside of The Sequencing Solution for any concept, grade level, or teaching situation you might find yourself in.

And, because I’m super excited to welcome you into The Sequencing Solution, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special limited-time price of…

TSS Membership

Do-It-Yourself with Support from The Sequencing Solution Community


one payment, set it and forget it!

LIFETIME ACCESS to The Sequencing Solution (including all updates and additions)

Community support + accountability

Done for you lessons, repertoire, and inspiration for implementation.

Ultimate Experience

with access to the community and EXCLUSIVE support + mentorship with Anne



Everything included in the DIY version, PLUS…

3 Private Mentorship calls with Anne

Unlimited email correspondence and feedback on coursework for the duration of the course (8 weeks from the date of your registration.)

From the Community

I created this program to share the plug + play formula that has completely transformed the way I plan and teach music to student musicians.


So you can trade just filling time for your perfect music teaching roadmap. One that lights you up, has room to breathe, and helps you and your kids be the most musical you can be.

I promise to share examples, stories, and struggles from my own teaching. What lead me from where you are right now, to where I am today

Genuinely excited, enthusiastic, and intentional about how I make music with kids, each and every day.

I know you want the same thing. Because, let’s be honest. You didn’t become a music teacher to be overwhelmed and frustrated. You became a music teacher because you love making music with kids.

So take a breath, buckle up, and let’s do this.

XOXO, Anne

TSS Membership

Do-It-Yourself with Support from The Sequencing Solution Community


one payment, set it and forget it!

LIFETIME ACCESS to The Sequencing Solution (including all updates and additions)

Community support + accountability

Done for you lessons, repertoire, and inspiration for implementation.

Ultimate Experience

with access to the community and EXCLUSIVE support + mentorship with Anne



Everything included in the DIY version, PLUS…

3 Private Mentorship calls with Anne

Unlimited email correspondence and feedback on coursework for the duration of the course (8 weeks from the date of your registration.)

What members ask before joining...

This course is specifically designed to help you save time and avoid overwhelm

There are implementation weeks built into the course so that you can start to take action now, thinking about the students you’re actually planning experiences for and making music with.

Will it take some hard work? Yes. This isn’t a cut & paste curriculum. Why? Because I’m not you, and I’m not about to assume that I know how you feel most musical and can best bring musical experiences to your kids

But it is a plug + play formula, meaning the steps you take throughout the course will work for any and every concept you ever teach in your classroom.

Do you have time to focus in and hone your teaching craft? Considering how much time it will save you in the end? Absolutely.

I’ve broken down the value of The Sequencing Solution above. And I can honestly say, as a workshop clinician, levels trainer, and graduate course instructor, this course is incredibly affordable.

PLUS, you’re able to implement in real time, with your kids in your classroom, and start making changes RIGHT. NOW.

But let’s break it down a little more. How much does a typical half-day workshop cost? $50, at least. What about conference fees? $300, bare minimum. And those summer courses? Easily $1,000. (…not including travel + accommodations for all the things!!)

The Sequencing Solution is 8 weeks for $297. That’s roughly $37/week, or $5.30 a day. PLUS, you get  LIFETIME ACCESS.

Is your daily Starbucks drink worth total peace of mind and excitement to go into your classroom each and everyday?  I definitely think so. You won’t even need that caffeine boost, because you’ll be so excited to get going on these lessons! Bonus: #lowcal 😉

annnnd remember, there is a 30-day back money guarantee.

I’m a firm believer that opportunities cross your path when they are meant to. Members of The Sequencing Solution are new teachers, student teachers, experienced teachers, teachers who have switched content areas, and everything in between.

As a new teacher, The Sequencing Solution will give you the structure you need to start figuring out your own personal teaching style. You’ll get ideas for how to be more creative in the classroom, and keep that spark of music making alive for both you and your kids.

If you’re a more experienced teacher, The Sequencing Solution will help streamline and simplify your planning process. It’s no doubt that you have piles of resources and information, but maybe you aren’t quite sure when you should use which awesome activity. This course will help clarify your sequence and refine your practice.

No matter the stage of your career, TSS will re-energize your teaching and make you feel inspired!

I am a HUGE PROPONENT of taking levels courses, doing as many workshops, and attending as many conferences as possible. As a matter of fact, one of my huge passions is presenting in all of those settings!

One of the big reasons I created The Sequencing Solution is because there are so many people who can’t access those events or trainings because of geography or finances. Or, they simply don’t want to wait! By creating a program and a community for anyone, anywhere, as long as they have access to a computer, I hope to bridge that gap!

That being said, adding more tools to your toolbox will do nothing but make you a better teacher. The concepts in The Sequencing Solution are grounded in sound teaching practice, and will ebb and flow with whatever approaches you decide to incorporate into your teaching–now or later.

This course isn’t an application of any one approach. It’s simply a formula for good teaching, with space for everyone to insert their own teaching personality and style.

The media you choose to build your concept plans throughout the course is completely, 100% up to you. The Sequencing Solution gives you the framework to build lessons, with the flexibility to switch it up as you see fit!

Although I’ve taken multiple certification courses and summer workshops, I’ve never seen this information consolidated in a way that I could apply to multiple pedagogical approaches, depending on what my kids need. The Sequencing Solution is my answer to that problem.

As a member of The Sequencing Solution, you’ll receive a completion log to go through and mark the time that you’ve spent inside of the course. Your completion of any professional development documents is on the honor system. At the completion of the course, if you need further documentation to submit to your school organization, I’ll happily work with you to make it happen!

If you feel so beside yourself that you just aren’t sure what to do, The Sequencing Solution is exactly what you need.

Not only will the lessons pump you up, but our Members Only Community is absolutely amazing. You’ll have friends, cheerleaders, and of course ME to encourage and support you along the way.

Still just thinking about it?

You should give The Sequencing Solution a 30-day risk-free go if you resonate with any of These…

You are SO OVER not having any idea what to teach before it’s time for class to start or kids are walking through the door.

You’ve been wishing and waiting for a simpler way to finally master teaching whatever it is that you want or need to teach.

You crave structure, but you also want freedom to nurture. your own creativity and musicianship.

You’re a music teacher for the KIDS. So they can be joyful while discovering their most creative, musical sevles.

You believe outside of the box is where the magic happens, and you’re comfortable with getting uncomfortable.

You’re ready to stop filling time and are sick of being frustrated, not knowing what in the world you’re supposed to teach next.

You’re willing to invest in yourself to be more intentional with your teaching, and you’re not afraid to do the work.

This program isn’t for you, if…

You’re fine with not knowing what you’re going to teach in your music classroom tomorrow, or even today.

You would never use a formula or template to make your teaching life easier or more intentional.

You don’t see the value in investing in yourself, in your education, and you’re not willing to start now.

You’re not open to new perspectives or different ways of thinking or doing things.

You don’t want to change anything about your teaching practice, including saving more time by having a system in place for how or what to teach.

...but if you're ready. DON'T WAIT.

Let’s get started TOGETHER, RIght now!

TSS Membership

Do-It-Yourself with Support from The Sequencing Solution Community


one payment, set it and forget it!

LIFETIME ACCESS to The Sequencing Solution (including all updates and additions)

Community support + accountability

Done for you lessons, repertoire, and inspiration for implementation.

Ultimate Experience

with access to the community and EXCLUSIVE support + mentorship with Anne



Everything included in the DIY version, PLUS…

3 Private Mentorship calls with Anne

Unlimited email correspondence and feedback on coursework for the duration of the course (8 weeks from the date of your registration.)