Whether it’s changing your lesson flow, writing new songs for your students to sing and play, or breaking out the barred instruments when they usually take up space in your closet. It won’t go perfectly. And you will learn so much about yourself, and your kids.

Anne Mileski

I know I talked last episode about how resolutions aren’t my jam… but I’m fan of the idea of resolutions. It’s like, taking out a clean sheet of paper to rewrite your list because the first one wasn’t clean enough… and if there was ever a year to start fresh, this is it.

But notice, I said “re-write” or maybe a better word is “re-frame”. I’ll bet that you made some resolutions or goals for 2020, and then 2020 happened. But I’m also willing to bet that those were sound goals. Things that meant a lot to you and many you were still able to carry out, just maybe in a re-written form that you weren’t expecting and definitely didn’t ask for.

So that’s what we’re going to talk about today. Creating YOUR goals for 2021.

Here’s what I’m sharing in today’s episode…

(1) Why you need to take consistent action

(2) The importance of environment

(3) The impact of life-long learning


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