The question “what grade level is this good for” is a very different question depending on who you’re talking to, and depending on what their timebound, situational, always changing teaching scenario is.

Anne Mileski

I was having a conversation with my good friend, Victoria Boler about the conversations we have with other music teachers we’re working with in our programs or chatting to on instagram. And THIS is the one that comes back again and again. I’m sure you’ve asked yourself the same, because I know I definitely have!

It’s not a bad question. The intention behind the question is to figure out what certain songs, games, and activities are appropriate for which students. But instead of focusing on grade level, there are better questions we can ask that get to the root of the issue.

In this episode, I’m walking you through how I teach three of my favorite singing games in my music classroom. The big takeaway? It’s so important to have a sequence for everything. Do you have to do things exactly the way that I’ve outlined here today? Absolutely not. But you do need to think about what will make your students feel most successful and most like independent musicians as you walk them through a new music making experience.

Here’s a few things I share on today’s episode

(1) Why the question “what grade level is this good for” is a tricky one to answer
(2) The five questions you should ask yourself instead
(3) How to start back at square one if you’ve seen an ending “big picture” that you think would be a cool experience for your kids

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