We’re building these musical experiences that we can pull from later when we move beyond steady beat and vocal exploration. Those are the foundation for everything else we’re going to be doing later.

Anne Mileski

Kindergarten is one of those very very polarizing topics. It’s either that it’s completely your jam (raise your hand if you’re with me there!) or something that you completely dread. Odds are, the reason it feels either anxiety inducing or the most fun ever is because honestly? Kindergarten music is 100% it’s own animal.

Today on the podcast, I’m back with my friend Victoria Boler to chat about all things Kindergarten.

If you loved today’s episode, make sure to take a screenshot and tag both @victoriaboler and @annemileski on instagram!

Here’s a few things we talk about on today’s episode

(1) What to actually expect in those first weeks of Kindergarten

(2) The high energy and quality of teacher demeanor it takes to keep your early childhood music classroom moving forward

(3) What the main goals in Kindergarten, whether they are overtly tied to musical concepts or skills, or a more holistic approach to community music making (psst! It’s both!)


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