On today’s episode of The Anacrusic Podcast, I’m talking about one of the most common, but most dreaded circumstances in all of music teacher land… the traveling teaching assignment. But don’t fret! Because today, I’m going to share with you how to not only survive, but thrive as a traveling teacher.

Whether you are traveling between two campuses, in a temporary structure because of construction, or forever destined to be on a cart, there are three categories that are essential for your success: (1) Sanity (2) Community; and (3) Organization.

Although it’s so hard sometimes, it’s so important to remain positive! Whether it’s for a couple of weeks on a cart, a full year assignment at 4 campuses (yup, been there), or a permanent contract between two schools, remember the reason that you became a music teacher in the first place. Odds are it had nothing to do with the cinder block walls you’d get to make the music in, but rather make the music.


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