Let go of the excuse that it’s hard, or we don’t want to, because it’s about making a decision to focus on the intention of what we’re doing anywhere in our lives. And as we’re talking about today, the intention of doing the best we can musically for our students, regardless of the way that we are being asked to teach.
Today on The Anacrusic Podcast, we are talking about all things Fall 2020. It’s no doubt that with COVID-19, this year is going to look, feel, and function completely differently then anything we’ve ever done before, whether you’re a first year teacher or a thirty year teacher.
I’ve asked a few of my friends to leave a message for you to consider as you get ready to head back to school, whether it’s your live, in person classroom, or a virtual classroom, some combination of the two, or something completely different. I know you’ll leave this episode feeling encouraged and knowing that we’ve got this together.
Here are some of the friendly voices you’ll hear on today’s episode…
The Planning Playbook will help you finally knowing exactly what to teach, when. Get ready to throw “just filling time” out the door and take that first step toward intentional music teaching.
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