I believe we are all teacher musicians, and we are called to share music with the world. And the way we can best do that is by making meaningful musical experiences with kids. I believe each child is inherently musical, and it’s our job to help them become their most musical self through exploration and different modes of active music making. And I believe that good teaching is good teaching. And good teaching is about finding the purpose, following a sequence, and choosing joy. Each and every day. Each and every lesson. 

Anne Mileski

Today on The Anacrusic Podcast, I’m sharing all about The Learning Sequence Framework and how I know it can make a difference in your teaching. I didn’t create this because I thought we needed another “thing” in music education, but instead I share it with teachers like you because I know it can 100% be the catalyst for change in your teaching.

Here are some of the things I’m sharing on today’s episode:

(1) Why the Learning Sequence Framework is so important to me
(2) What the Learning Sequence Framework is
(3)The 5 ways it can completely revolutionize your teaching

Today’s episode of The Anacrusic Podcast is sponsored by my FREE guide, The Planning Playbook. Snag your copy here.


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